LevelUp Academy international production agency
LevelUp Academy
We are the team that will help you:

Create a top product and promote yourself in the online marketplace

Capitalize on your expertise and become media-friendly

Save your budget from wasted advertising costs

Organize a large-scale event with the involvement of sponsors

You absolutely have to work with us if you:
Want to make a loud statement about yourself and show yourself to a wide audience
Are ready to earn from 2000 euros on your expertise on a stable basis
Have come up with a unique product that everyone needs, but you don't know how to sell yourself
Are planning to organize a high-class event with the involvement of sponsors and partners
Want to grow professionally and develop new skills that are necessary for success and income growth
You only need to take one step - click on the button
Or leave your contacts: we will contact you
to answer all your questions and start conquering the world sooner rather than later.
Total budget of educational projects we helped to create and promote in the online marketplace
Our experience in organizing events and producing turnkey educational projects
0 +
Clients trusted us, reached their potential and made successful launches/events
0 +
1000+ participants around the world attended our events
Don't believe the promises - believe the concrete numbers
Would you also like to be among our successful experts and get results?
Submit a request for a free consultation
our manager will contact you and clarify all the details
How can we help you ?
We will help with product creation, packaging and launch, as well as technical support on the Getcourse platform
We will tell you how to start creating an in-demand product, what kind of team you should have, how to prepare for the launch and properly plan the advertising budget, etc.
Organization and holding of events on a turnkey basis
We will make a plan of the event, prepare cost estimates, help with the choice of location, and find sponsors.
Haven't decided yet which format of work suits you?

Do you want to become an opinion leader, so that everyone will know about you and recognize your expertise?
Send a request, we will contact you and discuss everything.
Let's get to know
each other better
LevelUp Academy -  we approach the business with professionalism and soul.
Careful control of processes
We strictly monitor each stage of work to ensure that the project is efficient and brings you profit.
Continuous learning
Constantly developing and updating our knowledge, skills to stay at the forefront of the niche of marketing, production and education
Compliance with deadlines
We guarantee that the work will be done on time. We cooperate with large international projects and understand that time is money.
Long-term collaboration and upscaling of the client's project
Your results are our reputation.
Achieving a specific goal and result, not just the process itself
Our priority is the end result and profit of your project, not just completing tasks according to a plan.
Experienced team of employees
We are the most dedicated fans of our clients with over 3 years of niche experience. We work only with professionals who will bring you results
Proven solutions and trends
We implement both proven, effective tools, experience in real projects, as well as research and create trends so that your project is not a template and success awaits it.
We often hear from clients that they don't know how to sell.
Are you sure?
Maybe you just don't know your client and don't understand who to sell to?
A gift for you
We know how many questions, fears and doubts are in your head right now. And that's okay!
We have prepared a gift for you!
A checklist on how to create a customer portrait. This is the foundation of your sales - take it and apply it!
Our working principles
Effective time management is one of the secrets to our success
We value our reputation and yours, so we ensure that our clients get results.
We will save your budget from regular drains on non-working tools and advertising campaigns.
Reliable sales model
Guaranteed to bring the project to a high and stable profit.
Individual approach
We are against template solutions and create each project that is unique.
Our team
These people will become fans of your product.
Elena Simciuc
CEO and Marketolog
Todorova Ludmila
Tatiana Bulimaga
Samvel Hovhannisyan
Project manager
Robert Khachatryan
Strategic manager
Yana Isaenko
Marketing. Traffic manager
Reviews about us
Eugenia Munteanu
Eugenia MunteanuОтзыв
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Buna ziua, vreau sa mulțumesc mult organizatorilor, pentru organizarea acestui eveniment, deoarece am avut posibilitatea să facem cunoștință cu diferite idei de afaceri și totodată am avut posibilitatea să împărtășim idea noastră de afacere. Asta ne-a permis să analizăm critic dar și constructiv ideile noastre de afacere și modalitatea de a ne apropia mai mult de realizarea acesteia din urmă. Baftă tuturor.
Татьяна Орленко
Татьяна ОрленкоОтзыв
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Добрый день! Хотелось бы поблагодарить организаторов такого масштабного мероприятия! Это лучшая возможность для нас познакомиться к классными людьми и выйти на новый уровень. 🥰
Светлана А
Светлана АОтзыв
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Хочу выразить благодарность команде LevelUp Academy за помощь в построении стратегии продвижения для моего проекта! Мне казалось, что продукт не очень простой (сфера IT) и целевая аудитория узкая, будет трудно донести смысл, чего я хотела добиться, создавая свой курс. Вообще не понимала, в каком направлении двигаться. Но ребята уже на консультации все разложили четко и с примерами, предложили методы и площадки где и как лучше продвигаться мне, какой контент генерировать. И прям груз с души сняли!!! Спасибо большое!
Argyrios Spyridis
Argyrios SpyridisОтзыв
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Amazing job you all! Congrats to all Moldovan partners for an excelent event you put together. Special thanks to the volunteers!!
Argyrios Spyridis
Argyrios SpyridisОтзыв
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Vă mulțumesc pentru aceasta oportunitate de a crea noi experiențe. Apreciez diversitatea ideilor prezentate la competiție. Există o gamă largă de concepte, de la inovatoare până la mai tradiționale. Am primit o deosebită plăcere să mă aflu alături de așa oameni frumoși.
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Хочу поблагодарить команду LevelUp Academy за невероятную помощь в разработке и продвижении моего курса по Завивке Волос! Было сложно представить, как сделать привлекательным и востребованным такой узкоспециализированный курс. Плюс, я долго сомневалась стоит ли тратить деньги на маркетинговое исследование в нише, которую я и так хорошо уже знаю. Но ребята проявили настоящий профессионализм. Они провели исследование, и выявили потребности целевой аудитории, которые я просто не брала в расчет, и предложили стратегию продвижения, которая не только привела к увеличению продаж курса сразу, но и позволила эффективно взаимодействовать с клиентами и после его окончания, что также увеличило финансовый результат.
FOCA Eugenia
FOCA EugeniaОтзыв
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Aprecieri pentru modul remarcabil în care ați coordonat și organizat Competiția Națională a ideilor de afaceri "Digital Business". Evenimentul a fost o sursă de inspirație pentru participanți, spectatori oferindu-le o platformă valoroasă pentru a-și demonstra abilitățile și creativitatea în domeniul antreprenoriatului. Felicitări pentru eforturile depuse în organizare și așteptăm cu nerăbdare etapa finală. Succes!
Dorin Erhan
Dorin ErhanОтзыв
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La mine rar se întâmplă să rămân impresionat de modul de organizare a unui eveniment, pentru că sunt tare critic și exigent 🧐, dar de data asta pot spune că evenimentul a fost impecabil, organizat și desfășurat într-un mod foarte profesionist și vă mulțumesc vouă organizatorilor și voluntarilor care ați făcut tot acest proiect posibil. 🦸‍♂️✨P.S Pozele sunt minunate, ai impresia că prezentăm toți undeva în Sillicon Valley 💫😏
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Благодарим за такое классное, масштабное и креативное мероприятие. Было много новых знакомств, идей и полезной информации от спикеров, но прежде всего играет роль полученный опыт и возможность выйти на шаг вперед и пробовать себя в данном направлении🫶🏻❤️
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Благодарим за такое классное, масштабное и креативное мероприятие. Было много новых знакомств, идей и полезной информации от спикеров, но прежде всего играет роль полученный опыт и возможность выйти на шаг вперед и пробовать себя в данном направлении🫶🏻❤️

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