A turnkey -
Online course!
All worries about product creation, setting up advertising campaigns
and traffic, sales are taken care of!

What is required from you is expert knowledge and a desire to succeed.
Who we work with?

Want to appear in the public field.

Not ready to spend huge budgets on advertising
and a full-fledged team

Don't have the technical knowledge
to set up your online school

Ready to deal ONLY with your product (methodology and training),
and not to deal with advertising and promotion.

Want to have more free time for your family,
self-fulfillment and traveling

Want media exposure.
You are currently known by a limited number of people, you want to go public.

No technical knowledge to set up an online school

Want to focus ONLY on the product (methodology and training) and not on advertising and promotion

Want to have more free time, not get bogged down in routine tasks

No product matrix to cover all target groups

No effective promotion and sales across all social media platforms (at best you maintain one page, content is sporadic)

No corporate identity, unique and personal brands

No working auto-funnel with solid indicators, which would bring at least x3 from the advertising budget (without the participation of an expert!).

Burned out on launches and don't have the desire/time to do webinars/marathons on a regular basis

Want to find a team to cover 90% of student work

No ability to record the course yourself

You want to 100% go into personal branding and media development, while the project is developing without your personal participation 24/7.

Small blog and small audience on social networks

Don't know yet how to launch an online school
(forms of investment, payback periods and starting amounts.)

Want to have a proven partner
in the field of online education

You are afraid to go public (webinars, broadcasts)

Don't know how to work with cold audiences

Recognized yourself?
We are waiting for you for a consultation - we will analyze your pain points and find an effective solution.


Shall we start working together?
What challenges we will address during the consultation
Study your experience, cases
Audit the indicators of your current product
Assess the potential of your product for the online market
Help you decide on the next steps for your project
How we work
Our priority and the basis of our joint work - is the strategy of development of the client's turnkey project!
You trust us completely - we guarantee the result and are 100% responsible for it.
Without a working, effective strategy, individual services are meaningless!
It's like building a house: first we design the house and only then we start the construction work. Not the other way around!
Our services
This is the basis and foundation of your future product and sales plan (competitor analysis, target Audience analysis, market capacity analysis, conducting social surveys (interviews), etc.).
It is formed based on the needs of the expert (online school) and audience requests based on the results of analytics: from the idea to the finished structure (creation and packaging of the product (product line), training methodology, formation of the product passport, etc.).
Launch. Marketing
Promotion of the product and formation of a personal brand in the public field (development of new websites, formation of an advertising budget, creation of a marketing promotion strategy, targeting strategy, development of a promotion and lead generation plan, sales funnel, etc.).
You can read the full list of services and costs by clicking the button below.
What we guarantee
Building a client base, attracting new audiences, building trust and engagement of existing clients
Identifying the deep needs and requirements of your customers through interviews/surveys, qualitative analysis of the target audience and competitors
Management of all launch processes: from planning to meeting sales targets.
Creation and packaging of the product, methodology and implementation of the concept.
Development of new websites (full audit of existing ones) that will bring applications
Advising and resolving technical issues regarding the use of the training platform
Creation of competitive pricing plans for clients, as well as defining the pricing policy
Legal support: advice and assistance on legal and marketing issues
Developing a warm-up and sales strategy, working with traffi
Assistance in improving public speaking skills
Help in preparing content for presentations, webinars and social networks.
Why do top bloggers
choose us ?
We love numbers and build our client
relationships on an effective business model
with the goal of making sales and increasing profits
Our team of professionals
These people will become fans of your product.
Elena Simciuc
CEO și Marketolog
Todorova Ludmila
Tatiana Bulimaga
Samvel Hovhannisyan
Project manager
Robert Khachatryan
Strategic manager
Yana Isaenko
Marketing. Traffic manager
Our model of cooperation
We share common values and visions with our clients - this is a key role in the successful realization of large-scale projects.
We cooperate with experts and bloggers with coverage in stories of 1000 and more
We work on mutually beneficial terms, so that the level of motivation on both sides is high
Reviews about us
Анаит Казарян
Анаит КазарянОтзыв
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С первой же секунды чувствуется профессионализм. Очень понравилось, и очень зацепило, что мне не пытались продать услуги. Меня слышали и слушали. Я очень довольна нашей консультацией, сейчас жду кп, и надеюсь на дальнейшее сотрудничество
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У меня осталось положительное впечатление от созвона со специалистами академии, и я порекомендую его тем, кому будет подходить такое взаимодействие. Диалог был эффективным и дружественным. Я увидела перед собой открытых профессионалов, которые преданы своему делу и стремятся к результату. Меня проконсультировали и помогли снять некоторые из ограничений и сомнений в голове. В частности, про географию моей экспертной работы и порядка работы
Екатерина Моисеева
Екатерина МоисееваОтзыв
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Мы только на стартовом этапе взаимодействия, и для себя я отмечу, что наша первая встреча прошла в очень приятной и профессиональной атмосфере. Я достаточно подробно описала свой запрос, уже на входе получила несколько ценных советов, что еще больше уверило меня в успехе нашего начинания! Все на высшем уровне, лояльно и доступно.
Eugenia Munteanu
Eugenia MunteanuОтзыв
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Buna ziua, vreau sa mulțumesc mult organizatorilor, pentru organizarea acestui eveniment, deoarece am avut posibilitatea să facem cunoștință cu diferite idei de afaceri și totodată am avut posibilitatea să împărtășim idea noastră de afacere. Asta ne-a permis să analizăm critic dar și constructiv ideile noastre de afacere și modalitatea de a ne apropia mai mult de realizarea acesteia din urmă. Baftă tuturor.
Татьяна Орленко
Татьяна ОрленкоОтзыв
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Добрый день! Хотелось бы поблагодарить организаторов такого масштабного мероприятия! Это лучшая возможность для нас познакомиться к классными людьми и выйти на новый уровень. 🥰
Светлана А
Светлана АОтзыв
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Хочу выразить благодарность команде LevelUp Academy за помощь в построении стратегии продвижения для моего проекта! Мне казалось, что продукт не очень простой (сфера IT) и целевая аудитория узкая, будет трудно донести смысл, чего я хотела добиться, создавая свой курс. Вообще не понимала, в каком направлении двигаться. Но ребята уже на консультации все разложили четко и с примерами, предложили методы и площадки где и как лучше продвигаться мне, какой контент генерировать. И прям груз с души сняли!!! Спасибо большое!
Argyrios Spyridis
Argyrios SpyridisОтзыв
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Amazing job you all! Congrats to all Moldovan partners for an excelent event you put together. Special thanks to the volunteers!!
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Хочу поблагодарить команду LevelUp Academy за невероятную помощь в разработке и продвижении моего курса по Завивке Волос! Было сложно представить, как сделать привлекательным и востребованным такой узкоспециализированный курс. Плюс, я долго сомневалась стоит ли тратить деньги на маркетинговое исследование в нише, которую я и так хорошо уже знаю. Но ребята проявили настоящий профессионализм. Они провели исследование, и выявили потребности целевой аудитории, которые я просто не брала в расчет, и предложили стратегию продвижения, которая не только привела к увеличению продаж курса сразу, но и позволила эффективно взаимодействовать с клиентами и после его окончания, что также увеличило финансовый результат.
Argyrios Spyridis
Argyrios SpyridisОтзыв
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Vă mulțumesc pentru aceasta oportunitate de a crea noi experiențe. Apreciez diversitatea ideilor prezentate la competiție. Există o gamă largă de concepte, de la inovatoare până la mai tradiționale. Am primit o deosebită plăcere să mă aflu alături de așa oameni frumoși.
FOCA Eugenia
FOCA EugeniaОтзыв
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Aprecieri pentru modul remarcabil în care ați coordonat și organizat Competiția Națională a ideilor de afaceri "Digital Business". Evenimentul a fost o sursă de inspirație pentru participanți, spectatori oferindu-le o platformă valoroasă pentru a-și demonstra abilitățile și creativitatea în domeniul antreprenoriatului. Felicitări pentru eforturile depuse în organizare și așteptăm cu nerăbdare etapa finală. Succes!
Dorin Erhan
Dorin ErhanОтзыв
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La mine rar se întâmplă să rămân impresionat de modul de organizare a unui eveniment, pentru că sunt tare critic și exigent 🧐, dar de data asta pot spune că evenimentul a fost impecabil, organizat și desfășurat într-un mod foarte profesionist și vă mulțumesc vouă organizatorilor și voluntarilor care ați făcut tot acest proiect posibil. 🦸‍♂️✨P.S Pozele sunt minunate, ai impresia că prezentăm toți undeva în Sillicon Valley 💫😏
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Благодарим за такое классное, масштабное и креативное мероприятие. Было много новых знакомств, идей и полезной информации от спикеров, но прежде всего играет роль полученный опыт и возможность выйти на шаг вперед и пробовать себя в данном направлении🫶🏻❤️
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Благодарим за такое классное, масштабное и креативное мероприятие. Было много новых знакомств, идей и полезной информации от спикеров, но прежде всего играет роль полученный опыт и возможность выйти на шаг вперед и пробовать себя в данном направлении🫶🏻❤️
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